PureLight Audio
3 min readJul 16, 2021


How Do Frequency-infused Audios Work?

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla

Many already realize everything in our physical world is comprised of energy, frequency & vibration — or as Dr. Richard Bartlett terms it, “patterns of light and information”.

But what many don’t realize is that this also applies the non-physical: every thought, belief, desire, emotion & intention has its own unique “energy signature”.

The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the prayers you send, etc etc all ripple out, affect your body and ultimately create your world.

What Are Frequency-Infused Audios?

Frequency-infused audios are digital tracks, created by talented healers, that have been imprinted and encoded with pure spiritual frequencies.

How are they encoded? With focused intention.

Dr. Emoto’s famous water experiments proved that purely with intention, an emotion projected onto water actually alters its crystals: the frequency of “love” creates beautiful, harmonious pattern, while the frequency of “hate” creates a discordant pattern.

Dr. Tiller took this a step further when he imprinted an electrode with the intention of raising the ph of water, which it successfully did, thereby proving that objects, once imprinted with a frequency, affect objects near it.

“The Universe doesn’t speak English, it speaks frequency.”

Using a variety of methods, the healers on PureLightAudio.com infuse and encode their audios with high spiritual frequencies, as well as intentions to manifest positive changes.

The audios can contain music, speaking, toning, singing, Light Language or even be silent, but all are encoded with pure, potent frequencies.

Like this article? Check out PureLightAudio’s End-of-Summer sale!

How the Audios Create Positive Change

When the audios are played, their high frequencies (or patterns light & information) are transmitted and new “information” is introduced into your field & into your consciousness; on the quantum level, you actually receive new Light codes & data.

The energy that is transmitted interacts with your higher consciousness, your body’s consciousness, and/or your energy field, shifting beliefs & perceptions.

As your consciousness and energy field entrain to new frequencies, your physical reality begins to shift and your awareness opens to new possibilities.

Additionally, the audios work to entrain you to the frequency of what you are wanting to manifest, whether it’s health, wealth, love, stress-relief, etc etc.

There is no limit to how frequency-infused audios can help you. In the words of Bashar:

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” — Bashar

We at PureLightAudio.com invite you to experiment with the audios we offer and see how the high frequencies improve your life. Enjoy!

PureLightAudio.com is now offering 30% off select audios!

Check out PureLightAudio’s End-of-Summer sale!

Get 30% off audios for: Manifestation — Abundance — Rejuvenation — Pain-Relief — Grief-Release — Stress-Release — Better Sleep….and much more!

Visit PureLightAudio.com — sale ends August 31st at 11:59pm PDT



PureLight Audio

PureLightAudio.com offers audios that transmit frequencies for healing & awakening: Solfeggio tones, binaural beats, angelic frequencies, crystal bowls & more!